Friday, March 14, 2008

Election 2008

The 2008 Election is history in the making for the U.S. Either a woman or a black man will be the democratic nominee against Sen. John McCain of the Republican Party. Both these groups have been under-represented in all aspects of society. Women did not received the right to vote until the 1920s, blacks waged a civil rights campaign for over a decade in order to receive the rights entitled to them after the end of the Civil War in 1865. Despite all that women make only 80 cents to every dollar a man makes. Blacks and other minorities are segregated in neighborhoods that are under-funded violence prone. I am not saying anything new. However, U.S. society if they do not wake up and find out for themselves the truth in regards to politics may miss out on making history. As a spiritual and liberal latino I am extremely excited. Change is what the U.S. needs and if we do not pay attention we may let that change pass us by.


Kieran Conroy said...

Hey Carlos, thought I'd share my new blog with you- like to add you as a friend on mine too, if you don't mind!

Kieran Conroy said...

I do indeed agree we're living in a pretty exciting time right now. Though I share the concern of a few in not letting them be objectified/defined in terms of race or gender, it is very encouraging to me.

Although the fact that we're one of the last western democracies to have a woman in power/as a serious contender for political office embarrasses me more than a little. :(

A-Typical Sociologist said...

Hey Kieran, Thanks for your support. I added you as favorite blogs to my list. Hey I will be in Cambridge on Thursday, care to do lunch.

Kieran Conroy said...

Hey Carlos- I'd love to grab lunch, but fear I may still be a bit swamped on that term paper due Good Friday. :P Normally Thursdays are pretty good for me though, if you'd like to try some other time. Drop me a line here, I'll try and give you my cell at the service Friday too (when I should be blessedly relaxed again, having completed my own passion of sorts :P)